Open source build audit tool

Build Audit is a tool permitting to audit a software build procedure to extract and archive a lot of useful information on the build. Example of such information are all the accessed files (and eventually their configuration manager tag), all the invoked scripts or programs, general information on the host and the user making the build...)

All the audit results are stored in a single file, tools permits to export these files contents to html files, php dynamic site (in the future pdf, rtf...). Results of different builds can be compared and a search function permit to find all the informations of a given binary build procedure with only the MD5 of the binary file...

Build Audit is not intrusive into your build procedure, you have only to call the build audit program with your normal build command line as argument and that's all !

To discover Build Audit in action consult the examples page


Dec 6, 2004 - Opening of this web site

A first alpha release of Build Audit is release also


A second alpha version (version 0.2.0) has been released on Dec 14, 2004. This release is only intended to be a proof of concept and to permit the first users to give feedback (please use bug reports or features request forms

Please consult the SourceForge download page for deliveries for more informations.